Friday, August 3, 2007

I 've in M.I.A. because . . .

• I interviewed for a great intership opportunity at a printing/design company. I think it went ok - the work they do is much more corporate than the stuff in my book. I don't know how many people they interviewed, I thought that I was one of a few people who knew about this, but I think they may have posted it on Craigs List from the stack of resumes on the person's desk. Oh well, I'll just have to wait and see!!

• I have been steadily working, not thrilled what I have been coming up with, but I keep going.

I am going to post the book I have been working on, its the first draft, I am in the process of refining it, I don't really like this version.

I don't love the illustration, I spent a LOT of time perfecting it but as I said before I am a decent illustrator at best. I know my friend will love it so from a sentimental viewpoint it is successful, but I am not satisfied with it from a design perspective. I am going to put it to rest for a couple of days, focus on my other pieces, and look at it with fresh eyes.

I tried to use Lulu for the first time to print out the book, but encountered a lot of problems. I am going to bind the book using the handy book binding instructions Genevieve gave us, and once class is over try to do the Lulu thing again. As a handmade gift, a hand bound book is a good gift and it gives me some practice, but I think I would like to use Lulu for other portfolio pieces in the future.

For those who don't know what Lulu is, its once of those self publishing sites. Another one is Blurb, but I haven't really explored this one as much.

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